Thursday, March 14, 2013

Its another Crafty Giveaway!!

This giveaway comes from your Mops leadership and the lovely Moms at Poppyseed Projects

They sell lots of kits, vinyl letter stencils, antiquing glazes, and very cute designs. They also sell those famous mdf scalloped frames that are all over the internet. I met them at a conference and made their Hello Sunshine Subway Plaque. These would also make a great gift along with a bottle or two of craft paint and a foam brush.

The LOVE plaque giveaway will be awarded at our next MOPS meeting, Thursday March 21st. One winner will get the wood, the vinyl letters, craft paint, a foam brush, and a hanger.

All you have to do is leave a comment below this post and tell us what craft YOU would love to do at a meeting in the future. Is there anything you've been dying to try or learn about? Something you've been eying on Pinterest? Let us know! Make sure to leave your name (first name and last initial is fine, table color ie. Laurel A. green). We will choose a random winner from the comments received.
Thanks Moms, you have all been super crafty this year! Good Luck.


  1. I'd love to make a fun springy table runner! Maybe something with ruffles!? :) - Kristina P., purple table

  2. Hello! I loved our last MOPS meeting where we got to use the stickers, paint and wood to create something cute for our home! The Vaseline was a genius idea! I think in the future... I would love to learn/make an easy jewelry hanger/holder? The one out of random frames? Here is a link so it makes more sense :)

    I have seen lots on pinterst, of course haha :)

    Thanks - Moch S. Purple Table

  3. How about homemade cleaners or laundry detergent. I am in the middle of making dryer balls from yarn. I'll let you know how that goes! Heather D- Green table

  4. whitney s. red table

    love this cute little craft:
    or this:

  5. I want to learn how to make homemade candles and soap!! I think both would be really fun (and great to give as gifts!) -Amanda G., red table

  6. I love all the arts and crafts! I think we all love doing for ourselves (when we have the time too!)so.... with that said, I suggest we do the cool bleaching pen t-shirts! Sadie@ the pink

  7. Thank you for all of your ideas! I really like all of them, actually and will do my best to fit some of them in to our crafty schedule. We will draw the name at today's meeting.
